Blog Update

The Chic-a-Lac Blog is finally undergoing renovation, rehabilitation, revision, renewal, reorganization, revitalization and resuscitation. All of this is happening in stages. Some of the old features are gone, such as the Virtual Patio Message Board which is no longer supported, some have been updated like the Youngsville weather thingy, many of the links, like the Camp Album, in the right sidebar and in the posts themselves need relinking in order to work and some new material and features will be added. So please bear with us if some of the things just don't seem to work right. And please feel free to pass along your thoughts, ideas and even a minor criticism or two. You can always reach the blog by clicking on this button Ca. Chic a Lac Mail Thanks for your understanding.


From Corinne Selinger Weisberg
"Dear Bob,
Thank you for the photo of Morty and you. It brought tears to my eyes. He always looked so handsome and so put together. His laugh has been in my head for the past few days. It was so hearty! We are truly a lucky bunch of people to have known him and to have spent so much fun time with him--many years ago and in the past five years since the 2005 reunion. I feel so fortunate to know all of you and to be able to be together with everyone and their spouses too.
Love, Corinne"



Messages From Debbie Korn Sloan
With Great Reminiscences of Uncle Mortie
[originally posted March 20, 2007]
strolling down memory lane Well, hi. Despite the fact that I went to Camp Chic-a-Lac for six summers, I found all of one picture that I could absolutely identify as me in the hundreds on your site. Maybe I was just imagining it all? Anyway, I looked up the website because I wanted to thank Uncle Morty after all these years for being so wonderful to me. When I was sick in the infirmary, he made sure that I got to participate in a raffle ... stuff like that. Lots of stuff like that. I had a hard time fitting in and Uncle Morty made sure I wasn't excluded. I remember all the camp songs and have shared some of them with my kids (to their dismay). Movie nights on Thursdays, hot dogs and beans; tuna for lunch on Thursday. I was friends with one of the blind girls -- Cindy Helfond. Sometimes I wonder what happened to her, and to some of the others, but it amazes me to see how much I've forgotten. I didn't think I would ever forget. So, hi from Debbie Korn, Chic-a-lac camper from 1960-1964. I am now a professor at the University of Montana and wish to thank you for doing this for me! Debbie ***************** I remember a lot of the people you mention. Debbie Chernock and I are the same age and were roommates once or twice, I think. I also have wonderful memories of Aunt Ethel and Uncle Roy. Don't worry about the lack of any pictures of me. I was a chubby little misfit and found it hard to make friends. Klutzy to boot! I did like waterfront, though, except I decided to get phobic about diving and refused to do it, kinda screwing up my opportunities to progress through Red Cross training. Sometimes a counselor would take pity on me and pass me anyway. I do also remember Carol Deedledum - she gave me a nice part in Mary Poppins - and Corinne, etc. All good people. Sure, you can post my info. I'll write more when I have a decent opportunity. And thanks again. Debbie ***************** [Debbie's e mail is:. To send her a message, just click on her address]

(After I wrote Debbie that I read her words about Mort to his family and friends at a Shiva call, and how grateful they all were to hear them, Debbie sent this e-mail - August 10, 2010):

Hi Bob,
I am touched by your message.  Actually, I did make contact with Uncle Morty after I posted that e-mail.  Carol wrote and told me that if I wanted to communicate with Uncle Morty I would have to do it by snail mail because he wasn't an internet aficianado ... so I did.  I sent him a brief letter and a current picture.  Within a couple of days, I got a phone call announcing that it was Milk and Cookie Time (he sang it, of course) and we had a chance to catch up.  Since I do most of my communicating on the 'net, I never did manage to get another letter sent out when the word went out that he was ill (although I carried a blank card around with me till it was too dog-eared to send).
I also posted when the announcement went out about his death, and wrote to Carol as well.
Uncle Morty was truly kind to me.  He looked out for me.  It would be an understatement to say that my social skills were weak during my Chic-a-Lac days.  I was a smart kid but a lousy athlete and had a miserable time trying to fit in anywhere.  When we had team night competitions that involved brainpower, Uncle Morty would make sure that I had a chance to participate.  As I wrote on the blog, when I was sick in the infirmary and there was a raffle, Uncle Morty made sure that I got to play.  Amazingly enough, I won something.  Hmmm.... I wonder if had anything to do with Uncle Morty.  I spent most of the school year before Chic-a-Lac's last year fighting with my mother because I wanted to stay in the city (she won).  Then I spent most of the summer crying because I didn't want to have to go home.  I can only recall Uncle Morty being mad once in my five years at Chic-a-Lac and he wasn't mad at me, he was mad at everybody.
Chic-a-Lac was good to me and good for me.  Only once in five years did I achieve All-Around Camper of the Week, but it was enough.  Do you remember when we all schlepped into town to see Uncle Carl on the Match Game?  He gave some of the most outrageous answers of all time.  What's a pet you might keep in a shoebox?  Would you believe a flea? 
Not only did I have the pleasure of renewing contact with Uncle Morty, but I've also heard from Aunt Carol, as well as Debi Chernock (we were roommates) and Uncle Roy.  I can't believe it's almost fifty years later.
Thanks for your offer to get together and schmooze when I'm in the NYC area.  I don't get back often any more and when I do, I'm usually fairly well booked.  But you never know.  It would be fun!


From Debi Chernock (August 9, 2010)
Dearest Uncle Morty -
Can anyone else sing Figaro???? What will we all do? He even beat out Carol Burnett; not even she can sing it like our Uncle Morty.
It's amazing to even feel that he's gone. Since our last phone call, I got my bestest & greatest advice from Uncle Morty; so at this point I will just have to accept for now that the shining star in our lighted up sky is Uncle Morty playing Angel to us all!
Lots of love to "OUR" 'Uncle' and his oh so wonderful family, left behind, but lucky to have had him in their lives..... I'm sure for 1 reason or another we are all better people for having had "Uncle Morty"!!!
From the heart of Debi Chernock


Mort's Own Slideshow - Then and Now


REQUIRED READING! Prof. Morton Steuer - John Jay College of Criminal Justice - Receives a rating of 4.8 out of 5.0 from his students on RATEMYPROFESSORS.COM.
 Sample comments:
"prof steuer is great. he is the funniest teacher i have ever had. he talks to you like a person, not like someone below him. a few easy easy quizzes, a midterm and final, and easy little journal entries about yourself. but you really do learn a lot. d't take advantage of him because he is there to help and make you succeed."
"A very easy A, he repeats his lectures many times and gives answers to all questions on the quiz (even during the quiz) I never bought the book and i never had lower than a 97 on his quizes (had a 99 on the midterm). he talks about his life ALL THE TIME, by the end of the semester it will seem like he's done everything."
>>> Read all the comments at
