The Chic-a-Lac Blog is finally undergoing renovation, rehabilitation, revision, renewal, reorganization, revitalization and resuscitation. All of this is happening in stages. Some of the old features are gone, such as the Virtual Patio Message Board which is no longer supported, some have been updated like the Youngsville weather thingy, many of the links, like the Camp Album, in the right sidebar and in the posts themselves need relinking in order to work and some new material and features will be added. So please bear with us if some of the things just don't seem to work right. And please feel free to pass along your thoughts, ideas and even a minor criticism or two. You can always reach the blog by clicking on this button Thanks for your understanding.
[Hint: click on the highlighted links to learn more]
Who of us who attended the July, 2008 Reunion can ever forget Uncle Mortie'sexhibition of his priceless Chicken Memorabilia Collectibles, so artfully arranged on the TchotchkeTable, purchased over the past 45 years during his exhaustive hunt at every 99 Cent Only Storein SouthWestern Connecticut and which he so selflessly donated as door prizes (and for which he took a healthycharitable deduction). Each piece was rated at least an 8.5 (out of 100) on the highly respected Chicken Crap Spectator Scale. Only one clandestine photograph of this priceless collection--taken at great risk to the photographer--exists: [click on photo to enlarge]Alas, all but one of these magnificent pieces have gradually disappeared. Some drowned -- or were drowned -- in the bathtub, their little duckling squeaker giving one last lifeless, pathetic, gurgling little quack. Some were simply tossed into the garbage by boorish, unappreciative, uncultured spouses, muttering "Where did you get such DRECK?!" And some, sadly enough, were confiscated by the EPA for containing so much lead paintthat they could have been used as a hencil, uh, pencil.Recently, the last remaining bird, which was last seen hidden in the shadows at the back of the Reunion Tchotchke Table, hoping against hope that he would not suffer the indignity of being chosen as a door prize, was discovered squawking frightfully and running for his life from a hallaf-wielding maniacal shochet at a glatt kosher slaughterhouse near Liberty, New York. After a bath, a pedicure, a combing and a nine piece meal at the Colonel's, Mortie's, uh, rooster once again stands tall, thick, proud, firm, and smooth in the safety of his new home, an alabaster-colored specimen of Herculean proportions, with a proud, erect head, never again having to fear falling into the wrong - or right - hand.
Geoff was one of the corral counselors in 1963 (the other was Rusty-anyone remember Rusty's last name?)
[click on any photo to enlarge]
Sometime in 1968 or so, Neil went to see Arlo Guthrie's Alice's Restaurant and recognized Geoff as the actor who played Arlo's sidekick, Roger. It turns out that Geoff and Arlo were friends since their early days in Brooklyn, and later attended the Stockbridge School together, where they formed a band.
Steve Elliot, Geoff, Jeff Boverman, and Arlo (dig Arlo!!) performing at the Stockbridge School gym in 1963
Anyway, in my attempt to find Geoff, I came across some great photos of him over the years, and some great multimedia-type stuff which I thought would be fun to share with you. By the way, I heard from Niles Fuller, who took the 2004 photo of Geoff, that as far as he knew Geoff was still living in Austin.
Geoff as "Roger" in the Stockbridge
jail with Arlo,
from Alice's Restaurant, 1968
On the 40th anniversary of his "Alice's Restaurant Massacree", Arlo tells the story behind "Alice's Restaurant" to Debbie Elliott of NPR's "All Things Considered". To listen to the entire interview,click [here] to open the NPR page, and then on the button. Finally, Geoff appears in the original 3 1/2 minute movie trailer. Just click on the Play Button in the middle of the image below, and see how many times you can spot him.
[Hint-if your computer is relatively new, try watching in full screen mode by clicking on the little rectangle below the word "YOU" in YOU TUBE]